I cant stand when people with NO major responsibilities try to give you lessons on responsibility...the type of people that always know what to do, but cant seem to apply it to their own damn life...its like the dudes who sit at home watching football, and complain about what a player did wrong and how they could do better...knowing damn well they couldn't even score a touchdown in a JV high school football game, let alone ball-out in the NFL...definition of a backseat driver.
And it really irks me when someone is a total DOUCHE BAG in their approach to "giving advice"; it severely devalues the message...people that are GENUINELY trying to give helpful advice, should have enough knowledge to understand that you cant reach people when you FUSS...talk to me, not at me...because I will quickly tune a mofo out...they will be talking like the Charlie Brown teacher "WAHHH-WAH WAH-WAHWAH-WAH, WAHWAH WAH WAHWA"
Plus, there are many situations that a person cant honestly be mad at someone for not doing the "right" thing...especially when they themselves have never been in that situation...because what's right for you, doesn't have to be whats right for me....their are some things that are universally WRONG (ie mistreating children, killing for no reason, etc...), but most things depend on the person and circumstance...it's like someone telling a person that's been raped, that they shouldn't let it have such an impact on their life and basically"get over it"...*blank stare*...where people find the nerves, I will never understand...if you cant empathize with certain situations and/or give HELPFUL advice than just SHUT THE HELL UP!
*end rant*