Friday, September 11, 2009


1.) Daily prayer/meditation....Your mind is like the house to your soul. Like your physical house, if the mind is cluttered it is hard to concentrate, find things and/or have peace. Prayer helps to unclutter the mind. It focuses you on the things which are important. It is your one time to be alone (on earth) with just you and God. You can really figure out what you've being doing right, and what you've being doing wrong. Not only is prayer good for you and those around you; its absolutely free.

2.)Healthy Snacking...It is very important to snack throughout the day. And most people do so. Only problem is that they do so with 'junk food'. The importance of snacking is to keep you 'fueled' through out the day and lessen your appetite around lunch and dinner time. So if your filling yourself up with junk all day that's exactly what your going to feel like. Not only that, but those fats will begin to add up to numbers, and all those numbers will have a meeting on the weight scale. Leaving you feeling disappointed, ashamed, and unhealthy.

Healthy snacks:

  • Raw almonds,

  • bananas,

  • whole-grain cracker w/ cottage cheese,

  • vegan chocolate chip cookies (if you must satisfy that sweet tooth, they are just as good as "regular" cookies)

3.)Participate in Cultivating Entertainment...Going to he movies for a night out is fine, but it lacks substance. The only thing you really take away from it nowadays is how bad the movie was. There are so many alternative options, that are cheaper and more life inspiring. All you have to do is turn to the "Life & Style' portion of your daily newspaper and there are listing of events going on all around town. Recently I found out that the newly built 'California Academy of Science' has NiteLife. They serve cocktails, food, and play music. There are all sorts of things such as:

  • Art Exhibits

  • Museums

  • Plays

  • Cultural Dance Recitals

  • Spoken word

  • Comedy Show (comedians can be very cultivating lol)

4.)Spend Time With Family...There is no family, like yo family. I know that everybody doesn't have a huge family or a 'good' family. But even if it's one person or a friend you consider family, enjoy that persons company. Family can be very supportive, if you let them. Schedule a family event at a park one weekend or invite everybody out to eat or over for dinner (on a non-holiday day lol). Because whether you know it or not being close with your family gives you a since of belonging and a assuring similarity that you should treasure.

5.)Forgive...Holding hate, resentment or malice towards someone is poisonous and futile. You do more harm to yourself than the person you cant forgive. See, resentment festers silently, which grows into hate and malice. Causing your very being to be stunted. Because things cannot grow and flourish on tumorous barren land. Unneeded and unnecessary stress can lead to depression, unhealthy skin (which includes nails and hair), and most lethal, cancer. Just let it go. Take whatever bad experience you had with dealing with a person and use it as a tool to make yourself and others around you better. You will feel like a weight has been lifted.

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